About Us

Our service is very personal and human, every call is answered by an industry experienced professional based in Victoria, Australia, whom tailors the guests experience to match your venues brand.

Our customer service skills are fine tuned and very adaptable. We endeavour to know the answer to every question the guest will ask, but when occasionally we don't, we pride ourselves on handling this professionally and quickly finding the answer for the guest. 

Our staff have a clear, easy to understand phone manner with their aim to give your guests the impression they have called your business's head office. 


About Our Founder

Misty Kunze has worked in hospitality for over 16 years. Working her way up the line from Kitchen Porter to Restaurant Manager, and experience in every aspect of events, comprehensive wine knowledge alone with setting up and managing restaurant offices.

Misty has worked with George Calombaris as the manager of Little Press and Cellar, with Geoff Lindsey at Pearl restaurant, and as front-of-house manager turned office manager for Scott Pickett at Estelle to name a few. Her attention-to-detail attitude and consistency of brand saw Pickett through the transition from chef to a Melbourne food legend. Before moving on to an Office Manager position at Coda and Tonka Restaurants with Adam D'Sylva, this role included managing four staff with six very busy phone lines.   

Whilst working in chef run restaurants, Misty identified a number of issues, often the highest paid staff where spending the start of their shift managing reservations and calling back voicemails. Not only is this a high expense for the venue, but what about all the missed calls that didn’t leave voicemails? And the people that booked elsewhere? So not only do the current practices cost the venue money on valuable wages, but they were also loosing potential bookings. And as restaurants became busier, guests often had to call a number of times before actually getting through. The other major issue that Misty saw was the constant battle during service time of “do I service the guest in front of me or answer the phone?”. What if its about a booking for tonight? Or what if it about a table for 2 in three months time? So now the guests is being ignored when the call really could have been actioned the next day. Misty watched these problems over and over again, and that is how Phone Booking Service was conceptualised.

Based in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Servicing restaurants throughout Australia and New Zealand.

03 9938 7010






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